
EOL Products


Dual HW Accelerator sku3 Crypto Compression PCI E G3 Server Adapter SKU3 / SKU2 Intel® Based

This product has been discontinuedEOL Notification

Silicom’s HW Accelerator Crypto Compression PCI Express Server adapters are based on-chip HW accelerator Intel® communincation controller.

Silicom’s Coleto Creek PCI Express Server adapters support Intel QuickAssit Technology for Hardware Ctypto and Compression accelerator engines. The Silicom’s Dual HW Accelerators PCI Express Server adapters are optimized to Intel Architecture (IA) support.

The Silicom’s PE3IS2CO3X8 PCI Express Server adapter is based on Intel production process that provides the best industry performance, power and cost.


Dual HW Accelerator sku3 Crypto Compression PCI E G3 Server Adapter SKU3 / SKU2 Intel® Based

Performance Features:

  • Intel® QuickAssist Accelerator
  • Symmetric Cryptographic Functions
  • Cipher Operations
  • Hash/Authenticate Operation
  • Cipher-Hash Combined Operation
  • Key Derivation Operation
  • Random Number Generation
  • Public Key Functions
  • RSA Operation
  • Diffie-Helman Operation
  • Digital Signature Standard Operation
  • Key Derivation Operation
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography: ECDSA* and ECDH*
  • Random Number Generation and Prime Number Testing
  • Compression/Decompression
  • Deflate (Lempel-Ziv 77-Stac)
  • Support for 32 SR-IOV Virtual functions

Common Key features:

  • PCI Express X8 lanes
  • Support PCI Express Base Specification 3.0 (8 GTs)
  • High performance, reliability, and low power use in Intel (sku2) DH8950CL / (sku3) DH8955CL PCH controller


Dual HW Accelerator sku3 Crypto Compression PCI E G3 Server Adapter SKU3 / SKU2 Intel® Based

SKU2 / SKU3 performance per a single controller:

Intel® chip Sku2 Sku3
Intel@ Quick Assist Techinlogoy Capability 50Gbps *50Gbps
IPSec 43Gbps *43Gbps
SSL 50Gbps *50Gbps
Compression 20G *23G
Kasumi/ Snow3G 30Gbps *30Gbps
RSA Decrypt 1k-bit 165K (ops/sec) 190K (ops/sec)
RSA Decrypt 2k-bit 35K (ops/sec) 40K (ops/sec)

*x8/ Gen3 card level will limit the IO performance to 54Gbps

Operating Systems Support

Operating system support: Linux

General Technical Specifications

Interface Standard: PCI-Express Base Specification Revision 3.0 (8 GTs)
Board Size: Low profile long add-in card: 311.99mm X 68.91mm (12.283”X 2.713”)
PCI Express Card Type: X8 Lane
PCI Express Voltage: +12V +- 8% and external 3x2 connector
PCI Connector: Gold Finger: X8
Controller: Sku2: Intel DH8950CL
Sku3: Intel DH8955CL
Holder: Metal Bracket: Full Height and Low Height
Operating Humidity: 0%–90%, non-condensing
Operating Temperature: 0°C – 45°C (32°F – 113°F)
Air flow requirement for this adapter is 200 LFM
Storage: -40°C–65°C (-40°F–149°F)
EMC Certifications: FCC Part 15, Subpart B Class A
Conducted Emissions
Radiated Emissions
CE EN 55022: 1998 Class A Amendments A1: 2000; A2: 2003
Conducted Emissions
Radiated Emissions
CE EN 55024: 1998 Amendments A1: 2000; A2: 2003
Immunity for ITE Amendment A1: 2001
CE EN 61000-3-2 2000, Class A
Harmonic Current Emissions
CE EN 61000 3-3 1995, Amendment A1: 2001
Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker
CE IEC 6100-4-2: 1995
ESD Air Discharge 8kV. Contact Discharge 4kV.
CE IEC 6100-4-3:1995
Radiated Immunity (80-1000Mhz), 3V/m 80% A.M. by 1kHz
CE IEC 6100-4-4:1995
EFT/B: Immunity to electrical fast transients 1kV Power
Leads, 0.5Kv Signals Leads
CE IEC 6100-4-5:1995
Immunity to conductive surges COM Mode; 2kV,
Dif. Mode 1kV
CE IEC 6100-4-6:1996
Conducted immunity (0.15-80 MHz) 3VRMS 80% A.M.
By 1kHz
CE IEC 6100-4-11:1994
Voltage Dips and Short Interruptions
V reduc >95%, 30% >95% Duration 0.5per, 25per, 250per


Dual HW Accelerator sku3 Crypto Compression PCI E G3 Server Adapter SKU3 / SKU2 Intel® Based




PE3IS2CO3X8 Dual HW Accelerator sku3 Crypto Compression PCI E G3 ServerAdapter Gen 3.0 X8, Based on Intel® SKU3 DH8955CL, Low-Profile, RoHS compliant
PE3IS2CO2X8 Dual HW Accelerator sku2 Crypto Compression PCI E G3 ServerAdapter Gen 3.0 X8, Based on Intel® SKU2 DH8950CL, Low-Profile, RoHS compliant


Model P/N -LP


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