FPGA Based Cards
FPGA Solutions
Silicom offers a wide variety of FPGA SmartNICs based Server Adapters (Network Interface Cards) designed for a range of use cases where Ethernet traffic performance is essential for overall system performance.
The range of different FPGA cards from Silicom have been designed to have a close fit with various hardware technologies required for specific use cases; these technologies include:
– Ethernet link speed
– PCIe interface speed, represented by PCIe generation and number of lanes
– On board memory type: DDR, QDR, HBM
– FPGA vendor (Xilinx, Intel), generation and size of FPGA resources: logic blocks, DSPs, on chip memory and application specific “hard blocks” such as e.g. the LDPC coder/decoder used in mobile access networks
– SoC capabilities, possibility to have bare metal deployment scenarios where supporting software is running locally in the network adapter